Recently I was leveraging Azure App Services to deploy my Docker packaged .NET Core app. My setup includes VS 2017 v15.2, Docker CE v17.03.1-ce-win12 (stable) and Windows 10 Enterprise (with Creators update).

My app ran fine locally without Docker but as soon as I tried deploying to a Linux container VS gave me a weird error:

error while creating mount source path permission denied

I figured there was something funky going on with my Docker settings. Navigating to Docker Client -> Settings -> Shared Drives none of my drives were shared (also weird since I am pretty sure I had set them up earlier). Maybe the Windows 10 Creators update had something to do with that? Anyways…

Re-sharing my local drive with Docker, I uncovered another error:

Error: A firewall is blocking file Sharing between Windows and the containers. See documentation for more info.

docker error

I tried a number of times to share, including resetting cached credentials, using local credentials etc. No dice :(

Of course looking at the documentation sent me down some bunny trails around making sure inbound firewall rules were setup correctly between the Host and VM processes.

After a chunk of time researching the issue and trying a bunch of things, I have a solution that worked for me - one that might save you time. The solution actually has nothing to do with the error displayed!

  1. Make sure your target drive is unshared Drive Properties > Sharing > Advanced > 'Share this folder' is unchecked
  2. As part of installing Docker you should have a DockerNAT interface setup. Uncheck the File and Printer sharing property and press OK. Adapter Properties > Networking > Uncheck File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
  3. Now reverse what you did i.e. check the same file and printer sharing property and hit OK.

After the following the outlined steps above, I was able to share my target drive with Docker with no issues. Seems a bit voodoo no? I hope the tooling will improve to side step this issue altogether in the near future.
